nathaniel allen evans

nathaniel allen evans


I collaborate with professionals in both the public (arts/culture) and private (corporate) sectors to craft unique seminars, workshops and cultural events. I try to use my expertise and connections as a neuroscientist, musician, performer and computer scientist to design events that are unique, entertaining, educational, and inspirational. In general, the events mix talks from professionals across multiple disciplines and are interspersed with thematically related performances and demonstrations.

If you are keen on designing an event that mixes elements of science, art, and culture, contact me.

Selected past events:

   Ripples of Curosity, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

Creativity and the Unconscious - Improvisation Symposium, l'Abri Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland

Dom Perignon: "The Power of Creation” – Dolder Hotel, Zürich, Switzerland

TEDx Talk: Spontaneous origin of creativity

On Creativity and Improvisation

Dom Perignon's Power of Creativity